New BJC editorial board members

Br J Cardiol 2022;29:131 Leave a comment
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We are delighted to welcome four new members to our editorial board.

Dr Claire L Colebourn joins the editorial board as our British Society for Echocardiography (BSE) representative. Claire is President of the BSE and a Consultant Medical Intensivist at Oxford University Hospitals, where she is Clinical Lead for Critical Care Echocardiography.

Dr Claire Colebourn
Dr Claire Colebourn

Dr Madalina Garbi, a Consultant Cardiologist at the Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, and President-Elect of the British Heart Valve Society (BHVS), joins as our BHVS representative.

Madalina is the topic adviser on heart valve disease for the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). She also has national and international recognition as an expert in echocardiography and heart valve disease, being a regular invited speaker and chair at major UK, European and American meetings and congresses. She has co-authored several recommendations, guidelines, position papers, research papers, and invited reviews and editorials in the field of echocardiography and heart valve disease.

Dr Madalina Garbi
Dr Madalina Garbi

We are also pleased to welcome Dr Rani Khatib to our editorial board. Rani is a Consultant Pharmacist in cardiology and cardiovascular research at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, and a Visiting Associate Professor at the University of Leeds.

Nationally, Rani is the National Clinical Champion for PCSK9 inhibitors and Lipid Management at NHS England, and Co-Chair of the Cardiovascular Group for the UK Clinical Pharmacy Association. He is also a Science Committee Member for the European Society of Cardiology Association for Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions (ACNAP).

Dr Rani Khatib
Dr Rani Khatib

Finally, we welcome Dr Raj Thakkar to the editorial board as a Primary Care Cardiovascular Society (PCCS) representative. Raj is the PCCS President Elect and chronic kidney disease lead.

Raj is a General Practitioner at Bourne End and Wooburn Green Medical Centre, and holds a number of national primary care roles. He is a national primary care work-stream co-lead for the cardiac pathways improvement programme at the NHS England, the primary care cardiology lead for the Oxford Academic Health Science Networks, and a Clinical Commissioning Director (Planned Care) for Bucks/Oxford/Berks West Integrated Care System.

Dr Raj Thakkar
Dr Raj Thakkar