Can digital technology rescue the NHS?

BJC Digital Healthcare Forum – inaugural meeting

icon1   Meeting rescheduled for quarter four 2017

icon3   Programme details below

icon4   CPD credits to be applied for

icon4   To provisionally hold a place, contact us here

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A BJC meeting for commissioners and other health professionals with a focus on e-health, demand management and long-term conditions.

Programme: Can digital technology rescue the NHS?

Session 1 UK digital health strategy – why we need it

Chair: Dr Martin Godfrey, Clinical Network Lead (NHS Lambeth CCG)

09.35 NHS five year forward view – focus on digital technology as an enabling resource
Dr Malcolm J Fisk, Senior Research Fellow (Centre for Computing and Responsible Research, De Montfort University, Leicester) and Director (Telehealth Quality Group EEIG)

10.05 New models of care in the NHS
Dr Alastair Riddell, Chairman (South West Academic Health Science Network)

10.45 Coffee

Session 2 What’s going on?

Chairs: Mr Charles Lowe, Managing Director (Digital Health & Care Alliance); Dr Amanda Begley, Director of Innovation and Implementation (UCLPartners, London)

11.05 The promise of digital primary care
Dr Adrian McLachlan, Chair (NHS Lambeth CCG)

11.35 Partnering with SMEs to accelerate new digital futures in the NHS
Ms Anna King, Commercial Director (Health Innovation Network, London)

12.05 Global digital exemplars
Professor Tony Young, National Clinical Director for Innovation (NHS England)

12.30 GP Connect and the challenge of interoperability
Mr Martin Whittaker, Director (Touchstone Consultancy Ltd)

12.50 Lunch

Session 3 IT and demand management

Chairs: Dr Amitavar Banerjee, Consultant Cardiologist (UCLH and Farr Institute, UCL London); Mr Sotiris Antoniou, Consultant Pharmacist (Cardiovascular Medicine, Barts Health NHS Trust)

13.50 Online consultations and telephone triage
Dr Mohammad Al-Ubaydli, Chief Executive and Founder (Patients Know Best)

14.30 GP federations and IT innovation
Dr Neil Paul, Full-Time Partner (Sandbach GPs, Cheshire) and Director (M & N Heathcare Ltd)

14.55 e-Prescribing
Mr Andrew Heed, Lead Pharmacist, Clinical Informatics (Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hospitals Trust)

15.20 Tea

Session 4 IT – the patient and security

Chair: Dr Matthew Fay, GP and long term conditions lead (NHS Bradford City CCG)

15:45 Health apps – worried well time waste or invaluable metadata?
Mr John Eaglesham, CEO (Advanced Digital Institute, West Yorkshire)

16:10 De-risking data; must do’s for practice and trust alike
Mr Sarb Sembhi, Cyber Security Consultant (London)

16.30 Keynote presentation: what are the risks, what are the prizes with embracing digital health?
Ms Sophie Castle-Clarke, Fellow in Health Policy (The Nuffield Trust)

17.00 Close

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