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Editorial articles

April 2002 Br J Cardiol 2002;9:233-40

What’s new in hypertension

Ola Soyinka


Is it time to forget about diastolic blood pressure? Should we abandon the mercury sphygmomanometer? Is non-pharmacological intervention a waste of time? These were some of the questions discussed at the first Primary Care Cardiovascular Society (PCCS) meeting of 2002 which was carried out jointly with the British Hypertension Society (BHS) on 26th February.

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April 2002 Br J Cardiol 2002;9:195-7

The quest for diagnostic certainty: an unreal expectation in a real world

Paul Collinson, Peter Stubbs


When is an infarct not an infarct? When it is an infarctlet, a necroset or a troponinosis.1 The advent of the cardiac-specific troponins as diagnostic tests has created confusion in the minds of some cardiologists. The fact that cardiac troponins may be used to diagnose previously unsuspected myocardial damage in patients presenting with acute coronary syndromes, when acute myocardial infarction (AMI) has been ruled out by conventional World Health Organization criteria, has been amply demonstrated since the original report by Hamm et al.

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