May 2006 Br J Cardiol 2006;13:205-208
Hugh F McIntyre
Although levels of total cholesterol are similar between populations with and without diabetes, there are important differences in lipid sub- fractions, with diabetic dyslipidaemia characterised by reduced levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and elevated triglycerides. In addition, small, dense, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles may increase atherogenicity. These differences may account for the increased vascular risk reported in diabetic populations. The benefit of HMG Co-A reductase inhibitors, primarily through LDL cholesterol reduction, has been demonstrated in populations with ischaemic heart disease. Fibrates are synthetic activators of the a subclass of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR), and are reported to raise HDL cholesterol and lower triglyceride levels preferentially. The FIELD study was designed to assess whether the theoretical benefit offered by fibrates in diabetic dyslipidaemia was reflected in improved cardiovascular outcomes.
May 2006 Br J Cardiol 2006;13:209-11
Usha Rao, Paul Hocking, Jonathan Goodfellow, Christopher Jh Jones
A major concern in cardiology in the UK has been the waiting times for patients referred from primary care to secondary care, which are often long. We have addressed this problem in our Trust. At various times the Trust had funded waiting list initiative clinics but, apart from small and transitory improvements, the situation continued to worsen. Various solutions to the out-patient services problems have been implemented. However, there is a lack of published information about system redesign.
In this article we present some of the principles we are currently employing to redesign our out-patient service with a view to improve its efficiency. Our results are being published separately.
May 2006 Br J Cardiol 2006;13:213-5
Ayyaz Sultan, Ahmed Amour, Sarfraz Khan
Cardiac angiosarcomas are malignant tumours that are rare, often with non-specific symptoms. They almost always have a rapid and fatal evolution, making diagnosis challenging. Therapeutic approaches include surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy alone, or in combination, but because the tumour is rare there are no randomised studies to guide treatment. Management is, therefore, usually individualised and often multidisciplinary.
May 2006 Br J Cardiol 2006;13:216-8
Sanjay Jeyaseelan, Allan D Struthers, Barclay M Goudie, Stuart D Pringle, Frank M Sullivan, Peter T Donnan
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines in the UK state that suspected heart failure patients should have an ECG in order to select patients for echocardiography. The research underpinning this recommendation comes from studies in which cardiologists interpreted the ECGs. In practice, however, it would be general practitioners (GPs) interpreting ECGs.
The aims of this study were to assess both GPs and ECG machine interpretation in their ability to use ECGs to select suspected heart failure patients for echocardiography.
Six GPs were asked to classify 90 ECGs taken from suspected heart failure patients either as normal or as having an abnormality present. The ECG machine report was also used to classify the ECG in the same way. These results were compared to a gold standard interpretation.
The GPs and the ECG machine report would have not referred 17.8% and 8.3%, respectively, of the appropriate patients for echocardiography. In doing so, the GPs would have missed 5.6% of patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD) whereas the ECG machine report would have missed none.
We conclude from our findings that there is heterogeneity between GPs in their interpretational skills. Some GPs could successfully use ECGs to select patients for echocardiography. The difference in cost between performing echocardiography on all patients and GPs screening with ECGs is £74 more per case. Screening with ECG machine interpretation costs virtually the same as performing echocardiography on all patients.
May 2006 Br J Cardiol 2006;13:220-4
Everard W Thornton, Peter Bundred, Michelle Tytherleigh, Ann DM Davies
The study documents general practitioner (GP) consultations before and after a primary, acute myocardial infarction (MI) and examines how these relate to psychological distress. Data were derived from the numbers and category of consultations and their outcome, documented from medical records of 194 patients with a primary acute MI over a two-year period pre-MI and a six-month period post-MI. Objective measures of anxiety and depression were collated using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in four phased assessments over a six-month period following the MI. There was a high probability of consultation for cardiovascular and psychological symptoms before a MI. Post-MI, almost all patients receive an early consultation: high consultation rates continue for cardiovascular concerns but they are relatively low for psychological issues. However, questionnaire responses indicated a substantial minority of patients with clinical or borderline clinical levels of anxiety (30%) and depression (20%) post-MI.
Patients are willing and able to make demands on their GPs post-MI, but not for psychological issues despite evidence of high levels of anxiety and depression; patients may be too accepting of distress. While GPs advise and are prepared to provide drug treatment for psychological concerns, they did not make referral for psychological support.
March 2006 Br J Cardiol (Acute Interv Cardiol) 2006;13:AIC 9–AIC 12
David R Ramsdale, Robert Lowe
Loss of the right ventricular artery (RVA) is generally thought to be of little consequence. Nonetheless, reperfusion can enhance right ventricular recovery and improve the clinical condition.
Five cases of percutaneous coronary intervention involving right ventricular branches are presented.
We advocate a more positive approach to a significant stenosis in the RVA in patients who have stable or unstable angina or non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. Re-establishment of flow should limit ischaemia and infarction of the right ventricle and limit their adverse effects.
March 2006 Br J Cardiol (Acute Interv Cardiol) 2006;13:AIC 13
Andrew J Turley, Ananthaiah Shyam-Sundar, Mark A de Belder
A 69-year-old woman was referred for cardiac catheterisation following a positive exercise tolerance test.
March 2006 Br J Cardiol (Acute Interv Cardiol) 2006;13:AIC 14–AIC 18
Alex Hobson, Nick Chalmers, Nick Curzen
Most coronary artery fistulae are asymptomatic but there may be complications such as rupture and myocardial infarction. Percutaneous intervention is an attractive alternative to open surgical repair that offers lower procedural risk.
Increasing numbers of fistulae are being discovered incidentally during angiography. They present challenges in assessment and management. For example, there is poor correlation between symptoms and the size and flow rate of fistulae.
March 2006 Br J Cardiol (Acute Interv Cardiol) 2006;13:AIC 19–AIC 21
Turab Ali, Jane Scrafton, Richard Andrews
Minimising the in-hospital stay of patients with chest pain, within safe limits, is crucial in reducing the cost of health care. The aim of this study was to determine whether the use of near-patient testing for cardiac troponin I could reduce the duration of in-hospital stay for patients presenting with chest pain who were considered to be at low risk of death or myocardial infarction.
This prospective observational study of consecutive patients admitted with chest pain of possible cardiac origin was conducted in a medium-sized district general hospital. A near-patient system for troponin I analysis was compared to traditional laboratory-based troponin I analysis to assess any effect on duration of in-hospital stay in low-risk chest pain patients. Of the 295 patients enrolled in the study, 191 (68.7%) were troponin-negative and were classified as having chest pain of non-cardiac origin or cardiac pain at low risk of major adverse events. The introduction of near-patient testing for cardiac troponin I reduced the mean duration of hospital stay from 30.04 hours to 17.10 hours (p<0.001). At 30-day follow-up no deaths or myocardial infarctions had occurred.
March 2006 Br J Cardiol (Acute Interv Cardiol) 2006;13:AIC 22–AIC 25
Guido Materazzo, Davide Ghitti, Marco Rossi, Giuseppe Nasso, Paola Spatuzza, Carlo Maria De Filippo, Pietro Modugno, Amedeo Anselmi, Francesco Alessandrini
The case of a 70-year-old-woman affected by Friedrich’s ataxia (FRDA), unstable angina and heart failure with left main ‘equivalent’ lesions is presented. As the patient was in need of revascularisation but would have been at high risk with coronary artery bypass grafting surgery, she underwent coronary angioplasty assisted with percutaneous cardiopulmonary support (PCPS). Despite the onset of temporary complications, the procedure was performed successfully. On the basis of this case and of a review of pertinent literature, the authors discuss the role of PCPS in high-risk patients, with respect to its indications and performance technique.
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