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March 2024 Br J Cardiol 2024;31:11 Meeting report

The failing heart and kidney: improving prevention and treatment

The Cardiorenal Forum’s recent 18th Annual Scientific meeting looked at the latest updates in the failing heart and kidney. Held in London on 6th October 2023, this popular meeting mixed presentations from experts in cardiology, diabetes and renal medicine with the opportunity for delegates to network, share and discuss their knowledge and expertise. Dr Mohammad Wasef and Dr Sarah Birkhoelzer report its highlights....

February 2024 Br J Cardiol 2024;31:9–10 Meeting report

BSH 2023: collaboration, coordination and cooperation – 25in25

Multidisciplinary experts in heart failure care from across the UK and wider afield gathered for the recent 26th British Society of Heart Failure (BSH) annual meeting. This year’s programme sought to highlight how collaboration, coordination and cooperation would ultimately be vital for the delivery and success of the flagship 25in25 initiative. The meeting, held at the Queen Elizabeth II Centre, London, on 30th November and 1st December 2023, offered thought-provoking plenary sessions, focused masterclasses, a new ‘technology in action’ demonstration area, plus a number of high-quality poster presentations. Dr Aaron Henry reports highlights from the meeting....

November 2023 Br J Cardiol 2023;30:125

Correspondence: ECG changes in right- and left-sided pneumothoraces

Dear Sirs, We read with interest the article by Yamamoto et al.,1 regarding the distinct electrocardiographic (ECG) manifestations in a large primary spontaneous right-sided pneumothorax. We concur that physicians’ awareness of possible right-sided pneumothorax associated ECG manifestations remains insufficient and not well reported.1...

November 2023 Br J Cardiol 2023;30:125

Correspondence: The co-existence of type A aortic dissection and pulmonary embolism

Dear Sirs, In response to the article by Acharya and Mariscalco on the diagnosis and acute management of type A aortic dissection,1 I would like to expand on the role of pulmonary embolism (PE). The differential diagnosis of type A aortic dissection includes, not only PE, as stated by the authors in table 2 of the article,1 but, also, the co-existence of PE and dissecting aneurysm of the aorta (DAA).2–14...

HEART UK – lipids the best yet

October 2023 Br J Cardiol 2023;30(4) Online First

HEART UK – lipids the best yet

HEART UK held its 36th Annual Medical and Scientific Conference over several days in July 2023 when the cholesterol charity reflected on the current progress across a range of key areas within lipidology. This included an update on the progress in cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention nationally, paediatric familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) and a look back on the dramatic progress since the identification of PCSK9 as a lipid treatment target. Dr Andreas Tridimas reports its highlights....

BCS 2023: future-proofing cardiology for the next 10 years

August 2023 Br J Cardiol 2023;30:86–9 Meeting report

BCS 2023: future-proofing cardiology for the next 10 years

The British Cardiovascular Society (BCS) annual conference returned to the Manchester Central Convention Complex on the 5th–7th June 2023. The focus this year was on workforce, resilience, sustainability and multi-disciplinary working. Dr J. Aaron Henry reports selected highlights from BCS 2023....

July 2023 Br J Cardiol 2023;30:90

Obituary: Professor Gordon T McInnes

Cardiovascular medicine mourns the loss of one of its most well-known and loved figures, Gordon McInnes, who died suddenly on 30th May 2023, aged 77. Gordon was a towering figure in the fields of clinical pharmacology and hypertension. An imposing presence at almost precisely two metres tall, he combined his physical attributes with a sharp and competitive intellect....

July 2023 Br J Cardiol 2023;30:90

Obituary: Dr Mark Monaghan

With sadness we report the passing of editorial board member Professor Mark Monaghan, who led clinical and academic echocardiography for more than 30 years at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust where he was Consultant Clinical Scientist in Echocardiography and Immediate Past Director of Non-invasive Cardiology....

June 2023 Br J Cardiol 2023;30:77–8

Silent infective endocarditis with mucocutaneous stigmata, and delay in initiating echocardiography

Infective endocarditis (IE) without murmurs (silent IE) is an entity fraught with the risk of missed diagnosis. This hazard is attributable to a suboptimal index of suspicion for IE, and, hence, suboptimal workup for IE, when a murmur is absent. This state of affairs was exemplified by anecdotal reports of 15 adult patients (11 male) of mean age 48 years who were characterised by the association of silent IE and mucocutaneous stigmata of IE (table 1),1–15 and in whom echocardiography was initiated after a delay of one day to seven months (median seven days) following documentation of mucocutaneous stigmata. None had ‘same day’ echocardiography. In addition to mucocutaneous stigmata, nine of the 15 patients also had risk factors for IE, namely, dental caries,9,10,12,15 ear piercing,11 post-operative wound infection,3 intravenous drug use,13 and cirrhosis of the liver.2,6 Three patients had an afebrile presentation.2,12,13 Echocardiography disclosed vegetations in 13 patients.1–4,6–8,10–15 Eight patients (including four with risk factors for endocarditis) subsequently developed new murmurs.1,2,5,6,9,12,14,15 In five of those cases echocardiography was undertaken after detection of the murmur.1,2,9,14,15...

June 2023 Br J Cardiol 2023;30:50

New BJC editorial board members

We are delighted to welcome three new members to the BJC editorial board. We will be collaborating with them on a new series of articles for the journal covering immunology and the heart, lipid medicine, and obstetric cardiology....


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