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News and views

April 2011

Metformin best first-line drug for type 2 diabetes

News from the world of cardiology...

April 2011

Increased potassium intake cuts stroke

News from the world of cardiology...

April 2011

Mortality signal still showing at five years in ACCORD

News from the world of cardiology...

April 2011

No benefit from lowering blood pressure in acute stroke

News from the world of cardiology...

April 2011

Central obesity no worse than other types for cardiovascular risk

News from the world of cardiology...

Interventional tool aims to simplify aortic valve replacement

April 2011

Interventional tool aims to simplify aortic valve replacement

News from the world of cardiology...

April 2011

Could use of generic ARBs save the NHS millions?

News from the world of cardiology...

Blood pressure readings more accurate with new device

April 2011

Blood pressure readings more accurate with new device

A new wrist-mounted device allows more accurate measurement of blood pressure, according to research published recently in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. The sensor (A-PULSE CASP®, HealthSTATS) … Continue reading Blood pressure readings more accurate with new device →...

There’s nothing like a soak in a long, hot bath

April 2011

There’s nothing like a soak in a long, hot bath

We continue our series in which Consultant Interventionist Dr Michael Norell takes a sideways look at life in the cath lab…and beyond. In this column, he considers spas. I have been pondering about writing on this topic for some years. My hesitation to do so was largely the result of an anxiety to distance myself from any suggestion of advertising. However, the spell of impressively cold weather during the run up to last Christmas has prompted me to put aside such sensitivities and produce a column or two on one of my ‘Top Ten Essentials for Modern Day Living’. The question, “What have the Romans ever done for us?” has prompted countless well-rehearsed responses; long straight roads, the introduction of Latin and sewerage, are just a few examples. However, in addition to other notable ancient civilisations, they are particularly remembered for their enthusiasm for utilising mineral baths, dipping into hot springs and for generally enjoying the many benefits of communal bathing. ...

April 2011 Meeting report

Magic pixies and the glorified blood vessel

A report from the 5th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiorenal Forum, held at the Royal College of Physicians, London, October 2010, in association with the Dutch Society of Nephrology and the Netherlands Cardiorenal Group...


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