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September 2010 Br J Cardiol 2010;17:209

In Brief

News in brief from the world of cardiology. ...


September 2010 Br J Cardiol 2010;17:219


Correspondence from the world of cardiology...

Report from the 20th Scientific Meeting of the European Society of Hypertension, Oslo, Norway

July 2010 Br J Cardiol 2010;17:168-170 Meeting report

Report from the 20th Scientific Meeting of the European Society of Hypertension, Oslo, Norway

Renal denervation (RDN) revisited A novel, catheter-based technique is looking promising for the treatment of refractory hypertension. Renal sympathetic hyperactivity is associated with the development of hypertension and its progression, as well as chronic kidney disease (CKD) and heart failure. While sympathectomy procedures have been considered over the past 50 or more years, it is now possible, using a steerable femoral 6F catheter with an RF energy electrode tip, to deliver a series of 2 minute ablations to the renal artery, causing renal denervation (RDN) and blood pressure reduction. ...

July 2010 Br J Cardiol 2010;17:163-5

New NICE guidance on prevention of cardiovascular disease at the population level 

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has published a new guidance on prevention of cardiovascular disease at the population level. ...

July 2010 Br J Cardiol 2010;17:163-5

Testosterone trial stopped due to cardiovascular events 

A trial testing testosterone gel in older men with mobility limitations has been stopped early because of an increased risk of cardiovascular events in the treated group. ...

July 2010 Br J Cardiol 2010;17:163-5

Apixaban beneficial in atrial fibrillation 

A study of a new drug for atrial fibrillation, apixaban (Pfizer/Bristol-Myers Squibb), has been stopped early because of benefit....

July 2010 Br J Cardiol 2010;17:163-5

Eplerenone beneficial in mild heart failure 

Another trial stopped early because of benefit is EMPHASIS-HF (Eplerenone in Mild Patients Hospitalisation And SurvIval Study in Heart Failure) which looked at the aldosterone inhibitor, eplerenone, in mild heart-failure patients....

July 2010 Br J Cardiol 2010;17:163-5

Treat individual risk factors not ‘metabolic syndrome’ 

A new study suggests that patients with metabolic syndrome are no more at risk of future myocardial infarction (MI) than those with diabetes or hypertension alone, and that doctors should focus on treating individual risk factors. ...

July 2010 Br J Cardiol 2010;17:163-5

The British Valve Group – a new special interest group

The influence and importance of valve disease is increasing and yet the subject remains under-represented. There is, for example, no group affiliated to the British Cardiovascular Society and no National Services Framework on valve disease. A number of interested individuals have recently convened to discuss the formation of a specialist group suggesting it could issue comments on topical issues, plan collaborative research and organise study days. The group will bring together all disciplines interested in valve disease and will be concerned with wider issues like variations in care as well as those more immediately related to clinical practice. ...

July 2010 Br J Cardiol 2010;17:163-5

Lp(a) screening recommended by European Atherosclerosis Society 

Patients at moderate to high risk of cardiovascular disease should be screened for elevated Lp(a) and take niacin to lower levels to under 50 mg/dL (1.3 mmol/L), according to a consensus statement from the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS). ...


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