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May 2008 Br J Cardiol 2008;15:133

In brief

The JUPITER trial of rosuvastatin versus placebo has been stopped early because of “unequivocal evidence” of a reduction in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality with the drug....

May 2008 Br J Cardiol 2008;15:137–8

Getting fit for purpose?

We continue our series in which Consultant Interventionist Dr Michael Norell takes a sideways look at life in the cath lab…and beyond. In this column, he considers how cardiologists can stay in shape....

March 2008 Br J Cardiol 2008;15:71

In brief

News in brief from the world of cardiology...

March 2008 Br J Cardiol 2008;15:73-4


Echocardiography: Oxford specialist handbook in cardiology is an invaluable tool in the diagnosis and management of patients with cardiac disease. This new Oxford Handbook is for everyone, cardiologists and cardiac physiologists alike, involved in the direct care of cardiology patients....

March 2008 Br J Cardiol 2008;15:75

Handbook of cardiac electrophysiology

This handbook is a comprehensive and practical overview of all aspects of electrophysiology. It covers fundamentals such as the set-up of an electrophysiology laboratory and the diagnostic tools used to investigate the patient with an arrhythmia or syncope....

March 2008 Br J Cardiol 2008;15:76–7

Tune in and turn off

We continue our series in which Consultant Interventionist Dr Michael Norell takes a sideways look at life in the cath lab… and beyond. In this column, he considers ‘non-expert’ opinion....

March 2008 Br J Cardiol 2008;15:68-9

NICE issues new draft guidance on drug-eluting stents

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has recommended that drug-eluting stents can continue to be used in patients who have a higher risk of needing further stents if a conventional bare-metal stent were used instead. It has set a limit for the price differential between drug-eluting and bare-metal stents of £300....

March 2008 Br J Cardiol 2008;15:68-9

Questions raised on very intensive glucose lowering in type 2 diabetes

The results of two major trials of intensive glucose lowering in patients with type 2 diabetes appear to have reached different conclusions....

March 2008 Br J Cardiol 2008;15:68-9

ADVANCE shows no harm

In contrast, the ADVANCE study, has not shown any harm in its intensive treatment arm. In this trial, 11,140 high-risk patients with type 2 diabetes, were randomised to intensive (aiming for an HbA1C A1C level below 6.5) versus standard glucose lowering treatment. Patients in the intensive group started treatment with the sulphonylurea drug, gliclazide modified release, and then other drugs could be added....

March 2008 Br J Cardiol 2008;15:68-9

Cardiovascular mortality patterns in Europe

A new study has highlighted a changing pattern of cardiovascular mortality within Europe, and shows that while cardiovascular mortality rates are decreasing in general, Eastern and Middle European countries have the highest mortality....


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