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January 2021 Br J Cardiol 2021;28:11–3 doi:10.5837/bjc.2021.005

Evaluating the use of a mobile device for detection of atrial fibrillation in primary care

Patrick J Highton, Amit Mistri, Andre Ng, Karen Glover, Kamlesh Khunti, Samuel Seidu


Introduction Atrial fibrillation (AF) presents as an abnormal cardiac rhythm characterised by an irregular or abnormally fast (>100 bpm) resting heart rate (HR). AF risk factors include increasing age, diabetes, hypertension and coronary artery disease.1 AF increases stroke risk by roughly fivefold, greater than the risk elicited by hypertension, coronary artery disease or previous heart failure.2 AF-related stroke patients experience greater mortality rates, disability, hospitalisation time and healthcare costs relative to non-AF stroke patients.3 The East Midlands primary healthcare services comprise 19 Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG

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