October 2024 Br J Cardiol 2024;31:155–9 doi:10.5837/bjc.2024.043
Allis Lai, Lawrence Lam, Akshita Raminemi, Akhil Sonecha, Peter Sever
Introduction Throughout history, blood pressure has played an important role in medicine, especially in predicting and assessing risk. Despite its extensive use in clinical practice, blood pressure is still a developing field and a recent focus on blood pressure variability has prompted a contemporary review of this important topic. Blood pressure was first determined in 1733 by Stephen Hales, when he measured the blood pressure of a horse with a water manometer. Subsequently, the Russian surgeon, Nicolai Korotkoff, described the changing sounds heard by the stethoscope during cuff deflation, giving birth to the Korotkoff method, which is st
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