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Tag Archives: clinical trial

REDUCE-IT: findings and implications for practice

May 2023 Br J Cardiol 2023;30(suppl 2):S15–S18 doi:10.5837/bjc.2023.s08

REDUCE-IT: findings and implications for practice

Michael Miller


Introduction Multiple epidemiologic studies have identified elevated levels of blood triglycerides (TGs) or the phenotypic state of hypertriglyceridaemia (HTG) as being associated with an elevated risk of cardiovascular (CV) disease.1 Among therapies demonstrating significant reduction in TGs – beyond fibrates, niacin and statins – are marine-derived omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs); they consist principally of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Notably, the first Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Streptochiansi nell’Infarto (GISSI) supported a potential role of n-3 PUFAs in reducing death, non-

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The barriers facing medical research in the UK

February 2016 Br J Cardiol 2016;23:(1) doi:10.5837/bjc.2016.007 Online First

The barriers facing medical research in the UK

Aaron Koshy, Andrew L Clark


Introduction During 2014, one of us (AK) had a four-month research placement in the academic foundation programme. The aim was to create and conduct a clinical trial in heart failure. Although the trial was successful, the success was only achieved through motivation, organisation, good communication and luck. Because of the hurdles now placed between investigator and study, planning between supervisor and trainee started over a year in advance to discuss the idea for the trial, draft the study protocol, and complete all the documents required. The full timeline of events from conception to completion spanned 336 days. The aim of this article

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March 2003 Br J Cardiol (Heart Brain) 2003;10:HB 2–HB 3

Memories are made of this

Philip MW Bath


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