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Tag Archives: echocardiogram

October 2023 Br J Cardiol 2023;30:157 doi:10.5837/bjc.2023.032

Investigating infective endocarditis: teaching hospitals to choose wisely

Jake Williams, Megan Rawcliffe, Mark T Mills, David R Warriner


Introduction Infective endocarditis (IE) is a potentially fatal infection of the endothelial lining of cardiac structures, with an estimated incidence between 42 and 67 cases per million in England.1 Mortality without treatment approaches 100%.2 The 1994 Duke diagnostic criteria for IE merge clinical, echocardiographic, and microbiological information, and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) recommend use of the Duke criteria in conjunction with multi-disciplinary team (MDT) opinions of cardiologists and microbiologists.3,4 Initial investigations include three sets of blood cultures and transthoracic echocardiography (TTE), which remains

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May 2008 Br J Cardiol 2008;15:151–4

Performing a comprehensive echocardiogram study: audit of adherence to the British Society of Echocardiography minimum dataset guidelines

Lindsey Tilling, Ariana González Gómez, Juan Gros Otero, Harald Becher


Introduction Echocardiography plays a major role in the investigation of heart disease.1 The British Society of Echocardiography (BSE) Education Committee published a minimum dataset for performing a standard adult transthoracic echocardiogram in 2005. The intended benefits of these recommendations are to “support cardiologists and echocardiographers to develop local protocols and quality control programs for adult transthoracic study; promote quality by defining a ‘minimum dataset’ of descriptive terms and measurements and systematic approach to constructing a report; facilitate the accurate comparison of serial echocardiograms perform

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May 2002 Br J Cardiol 2002;9:287-90

The use of echocardiography for stroke and peripheral embolus: is it time for British/European guidelines?

Oliver R Segal, J Rex Dawson, Sandeep Gupta


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