December 2024 Br J Cardiol 2024;31(4) doi:10.5837/bjc.2024.056 Online First
Hannah Cooke, Amy Burchell
Case summary A 48-year-old Caucasian woman with no significant past medical history initially presented with a three-week history of progressive exertional dyspnoea and ankle swelling. Systemic enquiry also revealed weight loss of 3 kg over the same time frame, alongside instances of drenching night sweats. The patient was a long-term resident within the United Kingdom with no significant travel history. Physical examination revealed palpable hepatomegaly alongside pitting oedema to the ankles bilaterally. Examination was otherwise unremarkable with normal heart sounds and jugular venous pressure. An electrocardiogram demonstrated sinus rhyth
September 2014 Br J Cardiol 2014;21:120 doi:10.5837/bjc.2014.030
Theodore M Murphy, Deirdre F Waterhouse, Stephanie James, Niamh Murphy, Rory O’Hanlon
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