December 2024 Br J Cardiol 2024;31:136–8 doi:10.5837/bjc.2024.052
Waqas Akhtar, Ashok Padukone, Rachel Rowson, Helen Buglass, Thomas Billyard, Reinout Mildner, Marcus Peck, Marian Ryan, Christopher Gough, Fernando Riesgo Gil, Marius Berman, Antonio Rubino
Introduction In the financial year 2022–23 there were 185 heart transplants performed in the National Health Service (NHS) of the UK.1 These were performed across six adult centres: Queen Elizabeth Birmingham, Golden Jubilee Glasgow, Harefield London, Wythenshawe Manchester, Royal Papworth Cambridge, Freeman Newcastle upon Tyne; and two paediatric centres: Great Ormond Street London and Freeman Newcastle. Each hospital has an allocation zone, which encompasses 336 referring hospitals across the UK.2 The heart donations are classified as either donation after brainstem death (DBD) or donation after circulatory death (DCD). The donation proc
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