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Tag Archives: INTERHEART

July 2010 Br J Cardiol 2010;17:163-5

Treat individual risk factors not ‘metabolic syndrome’ 

BJ Cardio Staff


The study, published in the May 25, 2010 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, analysed data from the INTERHEART study, a case control study of incident acute MI, to investigate whether the risk of MI associated with the metabolic syndrome is greater than that conferred by its constituent components (such as abdominal obesity, elevated glucose, abnormal lipids, and elevated blood pressure).Results showed that metabolic syndrome was associated with a two- to three-times increased risk of MI, but the same risk was conferred by having either hypertension or diabetes alone.  The authors explain that supporters of the metabo

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January 2008 Br J Cardiol 2008;15:16-8

PCCS celebrates 10 years

BJCardio editorial team


Momentous achievements The changes made in the diagnosis and management of cardiovascular disease over the past 10 years, led by primary care, were described as “momentous” by Primary Care Cardiovascular Society (PCCS) past chairman and board member Professor Richard Hobbs (Department of General Practice and Primary Care, University of Birmingham). Presenting the opening address ‘A decade of advances in cardiovascular disease’ at the two-day annual scientific meeting, he said: “Primary care teams have led advances in the treatment of cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular risk factors. They should feel very proud of the contribut

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