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Tag Archives: orthostatic hypotension

September 2021 Br J Cardiol 2021;28:117–8 doi:10.5837/bjc.2021.040

Severe orthostatic hypotension and weight loss associated with cancer therapy

Peter Sever


Case one Professor Peter Sever A squamous cell carcinoma of the right tonsil was confirmed by biopsy in a 70-year-old man in July 2014. It was well encapsulated and subsequent cervical lymph node biopsies showed no tumour spread. In August and September 2014, the patient had intense radiotherapy to the tonsil and surrounding areas. Following radiotherapy, the patient experienced profound lethargy and soreness of the mouth to such an extent that despite attempts at high-calorie supplement feeding he continued to lose weight. By the end of October, he had lost 10 kg, began to develop dizziness on standing and marked orthostatic hypotension was

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June 2018 Br J Cardiol 2018;25:77–80 doi:10.5837/bjc.2018.017

‘Normal’ blood pressure: too good to be true? Case series on postural syncope and the ‘white-coat’ effect

Haqeel A Jamil, Noman Ali, Mohammad Waleed, Yvonne Blackburn, Caroline Moyles, Christopher Morley


Introduction Essential or primary hypertension (HTN), defined as an office blood pressure (BP) ≥140/90 mmHg with no identifiable cause, is a well-documented risk factor for cardiovascular disease, and the most common cardiovascular condition to be seen in primary care.1 It also represents the strongest single modifiable risk factor with regards to future morbidity and mortality.2,3 As such, current guidelines advocate pharmacological treatment if lifestyle measures are insufficient. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) clinical guideline for the treatment of HTN recommends step 1 treatment with an angiotensin-convert

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