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Tag Archives: patent foramen ovale

October 2011 Br J Cardiol 2011;18:219–22 doi:10.5837/bjc.2011.002

Patent foramen ovale: diagnosis, indications for closure and complications

Sudhakar George, David Hildick-Smith 



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January 2007 Br J Cardiol 2007;14:31-6

The emerging role of intracardiac echocardiography – into the ICE age

Andrew RJ Mitchell, Prasanna Puwanarajah, Jonathan Timperley, Harald Becher, Neil Wilson, Oliver J Ormerod


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September 2006 Br J Cardiol 2006;13:310-12

PFO: to close or not to close – a headache decision

Jessica Wilson, Paul Oldershaw


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March 2006 Br J Cardiol 2006;13:90-8

American College of Cardiology 55th Annual Scientific Session

BJCardio editorial team


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