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Tag Archives: professional development

August 2024 Br J Cardiol 2024;31:88–91 doi:10.5837/bjc.2024.034

Mentorship for cardiology trainees: appealing or appalling?

Alysha Bhatti, Pok-Tin Tang, Michael Drozd, C Fielder Camm


However, trainees may benefit from a separate relationship with a senior clinician, in which they can be nurtured outside of the auspices of a generic training curriculum. This describes mentorship: a bidirectional relationship between mentor and mentee offering personal development, independent growth, and exploration of interests, where a mentor can facilitate opportunities. The mentor’s role is multi-faceted, including that of coach, challenger, teacher and sounding board. Fundamentally, the relationship is grounded in mutual trust and support, commensurate to the needs of the mentee (figure 1). Figure 1. Differences in scope between sup

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