January 2022 Br J Cardiol 2022;29:16–20 doi:10.5837/bjc.2022.003
Nicholas P Gall, Stephen James, Lesley Kavi
Introduction Postural tachycardia syndrome (PoTS) was first described in American Civil War soldiers,1 and subsequently in First World War soldiers.2 These early descriptions were published by some of the most eminent cardiologists of the time. It was defined formally as a syndrome in 1993,3 leading onto guidelines, more recently published by the Heart Rhythm Society 2015,4 and the Canadian Cardiovascular Society 2020.5 While we remain uncertain in detail about its underlying cause, it seems to be an abnormality in the regulation of the cardiovascular system causing excessive tachycardia on standing, with cardiovascular symptoms including ch
March 2016 Br J Cardiol 2016;23:33 doi:10.5837/bjc.2016.010
Lesley Kavi, Michaela Nuttall, David A Low, Morwenna Opie, Lorna M Nicholson, Edward Caldow, Julia L Newton
January 2004 Br J Cardiol 2004;11:61-4
Colin Berry, Andrew C Rankin, Adrian JB Brady
No content available
October 2002 Br J Cardiol 2002;9:546-7
Tariq Azeem, Seong Som Chuah, Philip S Lewis
No content available
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