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Tag Archives: training requirements

2012 BJCA trainee survey

February 2013 Br J Cardiol 2013;20:8-9 doi:10.5837/bjc.2013.001 Online First

2012 BJCA trainee survey

Niall G Keenan


Response rate and working hours Although typical of similar surveys, the response rate was disappointingly poor at 35% (261 of a total of 745 trainees enrolled with the Joint Royal Colleges Physicians Training Board [JRCPTB]). This limits, partially, the conclusions that can be drawn from the data as the sample may not be representative. However, given that important workforce planning decisions are made from these data, trainees should be strongly encouraged to take part, and it has even been suggested that the survey should be made compulsory through the Annual Review of Clinical Performance (ARCP) process. A majority (66%) of respondents s

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