British Geriatrics Society Cardiovascular Section Statement

Br J Cardiol 2019;26:9 Leave a comment
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On behalf of the Committee of the British Geriatrics Society Cardiovascular Section (BGS CV Section), we are delighted to announce that the British Journal of Cardiology (BJC) is now an official journal of the Section and perfectly complements our affiliation to our main BGS journal “Age and Ageing”.

The BGS CV Section was set up with the following objectives in mind:

  • To improve the quality of care for people with cardiovascular disease
  • To promote the presentation and promotion of high quality research
  • To promote links with the British Cardiovascular Society and other medical societies with a cardiac interest
  • To attract and channel expertise from non-BGS members
  • To provide and co-ordinate expertise in the field of cardiology among members of the Society
  • To facilitate the networking of researchers for large-scale multi-centre studies
  • To provide an informal forum to present clinical work and research

We believe that our new partnership supports these objectives and will provide our membership with a complementary publication to advance learning and training in our specialty.

We look forward to joint educational and publishing activities promoting a greater understanding of the needs and cardiovascular care of elderly patients.

Andy Davies
Consultant Physician, Sunderland City Hospitals
Chair, BGS Cardiovascular Section

Lara Mitchell
Consultant, Medicine for the elderly
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow
Vice-Chair, BGS CV Section

Other news from BJC Issue 1, 2019:

British Geriatrics Society Cardiovascular Section partners with the BJC
London begins NHS video consultations in cardiology
New anticoagulant drug class in development
Guidelines for the safe practice of total intravenous anaesthesia
Cytokine removal in sepsis and endocarditis
News in brief