London welcomes the 2015 ESC Congress

Br J Cardiol 2015;22:88 Leave a comment
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The British Cardiovascular Society (BCS) is the host Society for the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress in 2015, which is being held for the first time in 63 years in London, at the ExCel Convention Centre. The ESC Congress is the largest cardiology meeting in the world with over 30,000 delegates attending from all corners of the globe.

The Congress offers a unique opportunity to showcase therapeutic and diagnostic advances, alongside cutting edge, bench- to-bedside science. There are five days of scientific sessions covering 150 cardiovascular topics with over 500 expert sessions. This year over 11,000 abstracts were submitted, and the theme is ‘Environment and the heart’.

We at the BCS are holding dedicated sessions at the Congress, and on Saturday 29th August we are hosting a General Cardiology Day for General Practitioners and Allied Professionals, so do encourage your colleagues and primary care colleagues to join us.

Extracurricular activities include a series of events at the Lee Valley VeloPark, where the Olympic track cycling events were held. Places can be booked on the BCS website. There will also be a ‘Heart trail,’ a one hour walk along the Southbank, from London Eye to City Hall. Participants will complete interactive challenges and solve clues, learning about heart health with the opportunity to win prizes along the way.

The British Journal of Cardiology will be covering the meeting in London, so look out for them, and also see the BCS website ( for further information, as well as the ESC Congress website ( for the full programme

Dr Sarah Clarke
President, British Cardiovascular Society

9 Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 5HW
([email protected])

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