Cardiovascular research 2018 handbook:
Useful organisations

doi:10.5837/bjc.2018.s11 Leave a comment
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Sponsorship Statement: This handbook was initiated and funded by Novartis. Editorial control, however, was retained by the authors/presenters and editors. Novartis reviewed the handbook for technical accuracy only before publication.
Date of preparation: August 2018.

Contact details for some of the UK organisations funding cardiovascular research

British Heart Foundation

The biggest independent funder of cardiovascular research in the UK, The British Heart Foundation plays a leading role in the fight against diseases of the heart and circulation by support of vital, pioneering research into their causes, prevention, diagnosis and treatment through research grants. It funds around £100 million of heart research every year.

British Cardiovascular Society/BJCA

The British Cardiovascular Society is a registered charity that aims to support and represents those working in cardiovascular care and research, by providing access to training, education and research opportunities and advice and advocacy.

The BJCA (British Junior Cardiologists’ Association) is an affiliate of the BCS, and likewise represents junior cardiologists, providing support and training and representing the views of junior cardiologists in the Cardiology Specialty Advisory Committee. It provides resources for cardiologists in training undertaking research.

Cardiac Risk in the Young

Since its formation in 1995, Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) has been working to reduce the frequency of young sudden cardiac death (YSCD). CRY supports young people diagnosed with potentially life-threatening cardiac conditions and offers bereavement support to families affected by YSCD. CRY promotes and develops heart screening programmes and funds medical research.

European Society of Cardiology

An independent, nonprofit organisation aiming to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease, uniting Member National Cardiac Societies, cardiovascular ESC sub-specialty communities, Affiliated Cardiac Societies, distinguished Fellows of the ESC and individual members from around the world. Its Research Grant Programme has research grants and fellowships available; European Union funding is also available for major research projects.

Heart Research UK

The second largest heart charity in the UK, Heart Research UK funds pioneering medical research into the prevention, treatment and cure of heart disease as well as helping communities improve their lifestyles with Healthy Heart Grants. Over the last 10 years, the charity has funded research projects worth £12.6 million in hospitals and universities across the UK.

Institute of Cardiovascular Medicine and Science

Drawing on the combined clinical expertise of its founding partners, the Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust and the Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, supported by its academic partner Imperial College London, the Institute is the first of its kind in Europe. It aims to improve outcomes in cardiovascular medicine and delivers clinical research programmes that translate directly into clinical practice.

Medical Research Council

Spending around £600 million each year to support and advance medical research, the Medical Research Council (MRC) is a non-departmental public body, funded through the government’s science and research budget that invests public money in research and training. MRC funding includes research grants and awards to scientists. MRC Fellowships and Studentships support talented researchers and PhD students at key points in their careers.

Medical Research Scotland

An independent Scottish medical research charity, encouraging and supporting promising young people wishing to pursue a career in biomedical research in Scotland. Its funding includes PhD studentships and Fellowships, the latter through the Daphne Jackson Trust.

National Institute for Health Research

Funded by the Department of Health and Social Care, the National Institute for Health Research works to improve the health and wealth of the nation through research and by working with industry and charity sectors.

Oxford Cardiovascular Science Research funding

The Oxford BHF Centre of Research Excellence (BHF CRE) brings together a vast range of cardiovascular research across the University of Oxford and is underpinned by a current award from the BHF of £6 million over five years from April 2014 to March 2019. The CRE budget is allocated across the main categories of training, pump priming and infrastructure, with targeted funding streams within the main budget categories.

The Wellcome Trust

A global charitable foundation, which is both politically and financially independent, The Wellcome Trust invests in advocacy, scientific research, training and public health interventions. Its current grant portfolio comprises grants worth £4.4 billion; awards made in 2016/17 totalled £1.1 billion. It funds a wide range of activity across the health research remit.

Articles in the handbook

1. Introduction
2. National Institute for Health Research
3. Optimising clinical research using electronic medical records
4. Recent research at the Institute of Cardiovascular Medicine and Science
5. Clinical trials in the UK from a commercial perspective
6. Brexit: threat or opportunity
7. How to initiate a clinical trial in the UK