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August 2013 Br J Cardiol 2013;20:92-93 Online First

News from EHRA: biomarkers may help stratify sudden cardiac death risk

Dr James Rosengarten reports highlights from the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) Europace 2013 meeting held recently in Athens, Greece....

August 2013 Br J Cardiol 2013;20:92-93 Online First

News from EHRA: new ‘user friendly’ guidelines on pacing and CRT

Dr James Rosengarten reports highlights from the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) Europace 2013 meeting held recently in Athens, Greece....

August 2013 Br J Cardiol 2013;20:105

Book review

The heart of Leonardo Authors: Francis C Wells Publisher: Springer, London 2013 ISBN: 9781447145301 Price: £126.00...

June 2013 Br J Cardiol 2013;20:52

New practical guide to new oral anticoagulants from ESC 

A ‘practical guide’ to the new oral anticoagulants that have recently become available as an alternative to warfarin for patients with atrial fibrillation has been issued by the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)....

June 2013 Br J Cardiol 2013;20:52

ESC statement supports renal denervation

The European Society of Cardiology has issued a consensus statement, which says that catheter-based renal denervation can be considered a therapeutic option in patients with drug-resistant hypertension who cannot get to goal with a combination of lifestyle and pharmacologic therapy. ...

June 2013 Br J Cardiol 2013;20:52

TAVI use in Europe varies widely

Transcatheter aortic-valve implantation (TAVI) was performed in around 34,500 patients in 11 European countries in the first five years following European approval of the devices in 2007, new data show. ...

June 2013 Br J Cardiol 2013;20:52

Lab grown human heart implants becoming reality

Tissue-engineered human organs – the next generation of treatments for chronic heart diseases – will soon become a multi-billion dollar medical market according to an analysis by the research and consulting firm GlobalData....

June 2013 Br J Cardiol 2013;20:52

ECGs for the faint hearted

Can you tell right from left bundle branch block? Are they clinically important?...

In brief

June 2013 Br J Cardiol 2013;20:56

In brief

News in brief from the world of cardiology...

Take a letter, Miss Jones…

June 2013 Br J Cardiol 2013;20:59-60

Take a letter, Miss Jones…

We continue our series in which Consultant Interventionist Dr Michael Norell takes a sideways look at life in the cath lab…and beyond. In this column, he (or perhaps his trusty steed) consider the changing role of the medical secretary....


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