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Tag Archives: telemedicine

November 2022 Br J Cardiol 2022;29:150–3 doi:10.5837/bjc.2022.039

Patient satisfaction with telephone consultations in cardiology outpatients during the COVID-19 pandemic

Jack William Goodall, Ravish Katira


Background The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically affected many aspects of everyday life and necessitated rapid changes to healthcare delivery. Health systems around the world started to rely more heavily upon remote consultations for safe healthcare delivery.1 Despite the clear advantage of limiting movement, and, hence, reducing the risks of either contracting or spreading COVID-19, a transition to remote consultations must be treated with caution. Research in primary care prior to the pandemic found that doctors were less likely to exclude serious illness when consultations were conducted by telephone rather than face-to-face.2 Alongside the s

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Adapting cardiovascular disease care to the ‘new norm’ of the COVID-19 era: same standard, different delivery

December 2020 Br J Cardiol 2020;27(suppl 2):S2–S16 doi:10.5837/bjc2020.s05

Adapting cardiovascular disease care to the ‘new norm’ of the COVID-19 era: same standard, different delivery

Martin R Cowie, Matthew Fay, Jo Jerrome, Abhishek Joshi, Jim Moore, Helen Williams


Introduction to the steering committee From left to right: Professor Martin Cowie, Dr Matthew Fay, Ms Jo Jerrome,Dr Abhishek Joshi, Dr Jim Moore, Ms Helen Williams Conflicts of interest The steering committe received speaking and consultation fees from Bayer plc. MRC provides consultancy advice to Abbott, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Boston Scientific, Medtronic, Novartis, Roche Diagnostics and Servier. MF has received speaker honoraria, conference sponsorship, unrestricted educational grants, and/or attended meetings sponsored by AstraZeneca, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol Myers Squibb, Medtronic, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, Sanofi-Aventis, and S

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August 2015 Br J Cardiol 2015;22:88

London welcomes the 2015 ESC Congress

Dr Sarah Clarke


The Congress offers a unique opportunity to showcase therapeutic and diagnostic advances, alongside cutting edge, bench- to-bedside science. There are five days of scientific sessions covering 150 cardiovascular topics with over 500 expert sessions. This year over 11,000 abstracts were submitted, and the theme is ‘Environment and the heart’. We at the BCS are holding dedicated sessions at the Congress, and on Saturday 29th August we are hosting a General Cardiology Day for General Practitioners and Allied Professionals, so do encourage your colleagues and primary care colleagues to join us. Extracurricular activities include a series of e

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In brief

November 2012 Br J Cardiol 2012;19:160

In brief

BJCardio Staff


First UK operation for HF with nerve-stimulating implant The UK’s first operation to tackle heart failure (HF) with a novel nerve-stimulating device was performed recently at Glenfield Hospital, Leicester. The operation was part of the INOVATE-HF clinical trial, a global investigation to determine the safety and efficacy of the an implantable electrical stimulation device (CardioFit,® BioControl Medical), designed to improve heart function in patients with HF. The study will evaluate the system’s ability to reduce hospitalisation and death among patients with HF, while also exploring whether combined treatment with the system and pres

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