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Tag Archives: Sleep-disordered breathing

News from the Cardiorenal Forum 9th Annual Scientific Meeting – embracing the future, not forgetting the past

March 2015 Br J Cardiol 2015;22:17

News from the Cardiorenal Forum 9th Annual Scientific Meeting – embracing the future, not forgetting the past

Dr Legate Philip


Managing risk factors – the old offenders Diet An update on diet and cardiovascular disease was given by Professor Kay Tee Khaw (University of Cambridge). A surprise recent finding has been that increased body mass index (BMI) trends do not directly correlate with cardiovascular mortality, particularly in Mediterranean countries (figure 1). Figure 1. Body mass index and associated coronary heart disease in Europe. Panel a) body mass index; panel b) coronary heart disease This gives rise to the question: is diet a key moderating factor in the relationship between BMI and cardiovascular mortality? The PREDIMED (Effects of the Mediterranean Di

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Heart failure: what’s new? The 2011 BSH medical training meeting

June 2011 Br J Cardiol 2011;18:113–14

Heart failure: what’s new? The 2011 BSH medical training meeting


Neurohormonal blockade A cardiac resynchronisation therapy pacemaker (CRT-P), provides cardiac resynchronisation therapy and diagnostics to assist in patient management The meeting set off to a stimulating start with Professor Theresa McDonagh (Kings College Hospital, Chair of the British Society of Heart Failure) reviewing primarily the growing evidence for aldosterone antagonists in the management of systolic heart failure (HF). Large clinical trials have established the role of aldosterone antagonists, such as spironolactone, in severe systolic HF (Randomised Aldactone Evaluation Study – RALES) and eplerenone in acute myocardial infarcti

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May 2005 Br J Cardiol 2005;12:171-2

Sleep-disordered breathing in congestive heart failure: an opportunity missed?

Liam J Cormican, Adrian Williams


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