Surgical centres

Professional opinion papers increasingly recognise the need for specialist surgical centres particularly for mitral valve repair.35 The aim is a sufficiently high volume of cases performed by specialist surgeons to ensure repair rates appropriate to the aetiology of the disease. They must be supported in centres with the facilities (see table 2) necessary for good preoperative assessment and postoperative care. An integrated team approach involving cardiologists, surgeons, nurses, dieticians and other disciplines as relevant e.g. dentists, physiotherapists is expected to achieve maximum benefit. This is now widely used in cardiovascular disease as well as chronic pain, diabetes, depression. There is evidence that guidelines are better applied, risk factors modified better and that outcomes are improved.36
The key themes in these proposals to improve the care of patients with valve disease are:
- Team work
- Specialisation
- Links with other cardiac and extracardiac specialties
- Networks with protocols shared with the community and with referring hospitals
- Volume
- Data gathering and sharing.
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